A Tale of Two Photos


I have had this picture as the wallpaper on my computer for quite some time now.  I took it a couple of years ago in Ocean City.

Sandpipers are one of my favorite water birds. They scurry around, running from and chasing the waves, looking for food before the next wave comes crashing. They are a pure delight to watch, especially since they usually only seem to come out in the late afternoon or early evenings, when things have quieted down a bit.

When I was thinking about a picture to include on my Letting Things Unfold post, I thought that it would be a good one. When I went to find it, however, I was drawn to this picture and decided to use it instead:


Then yesterday, something hit me. In the first picture, the sandpiper is running away from the wave. In the second picture, he is looking curiously, almost expectantly, towards it.

Seems so absolutely wonderfully appropriate.


My Relationship with Time


An Interesting Story