More from Terry Pratchett

There is an in depth interview with Terry Pratchett (author of the Discworld series including the boys and my favorite Wee Free Men). I love this man's humor…even about things that are not really funny:

"When I was going in for the tests, they asked my wife and PA to say what they had noticed in my behaviour. They jointly wrote a letter saying, 'Like any author who's in the throes of writing a book, Terry probably shows all the signs of dementia: he's unworldly, he doesn't pay attention to things, he's antisocial, grumpy.' I'm a typical bloody writer. Maybe all of us have had Alzheimer's for years without realising it.

If you have not read Terry Pratchett with your kids, don't wait another minute! The Wee Free Men and its sequels are so skillfully written…great characters, rich, colorful writing and best of all absolutely, frickin' hilarious (this might be one to get on audio book as I know that I could never have done the Nac Mac Feegle's accent justice).

We recently finished listening to The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents which I also recommend. It is a take-off on the Pied Piper tale. Talk about food for thought…there is so much there to discuss…death, loyalty, ethics, what makes you human…Pratchett won the Carnegie Medal for it in 2001:

A brilliant and witty twist on the tale of the Pied Piper. Funny and irreverent, but also dark and subversive, in the way it parodies the classic folk tale genre. This is a story that holds a mirror up to our world and questions attitudes and behaviour prevalent in our society. A clever and most entertaining read.


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