Visiting Friends


Had a terrific 3 day visit with Not June and her 3 boys. Despite a stormy weather forecast, we managed to get in a full day at the beach (complete with unintended sunburns), 27 holes of mini-golf, henna tatoos and tons of ice cream. The boys had a lot of fun showing their friends around, hanging out together, eating ice cream, boogie boarding, getting clobbered by waves, eating ice cream, digging huge holes the sand, playing computer games, eating ice cream, and generally goofing around with each other. The boy energy was definitely running high this week.


Oh, and about this...


I swear, Not June and I had nothing to do with it. They did it to themselves...really, they did...


Needless to say, we had a blast. And miss you guys already. Try not to have too much fun back home without us!

Now I am off to get some much needed (and well deserved!) sleep...


Another Book Meme


Quiet Week