Virginia Votes! Are You Still Undecided?

I have been in the Obama camp for awhile now and hope to pull together some of my favorite links and speeches soon.

In the meantime, and on the eve of the Virginia primary, I thought that I would put out a few things for those who might still be undecided.

Governor Tim Kaine sent out an email that actually hits on my main reasons for supporting Barack:

Barack Obama has an excellence of character, intellect and judgment that America needs. His natural inclination is to bring people together to face the tough challenges that often divide us. This was his skill as a community organizer, attorney, state legislator and U.S. Senator. I have also been impressed by Barack's calm demeanor in the face of triumph and challenge and his ability to pick great people to give him advice. His intelligence is confident and it allows him to adjust and change when presented with new data or important points of view that he may not have originally considered.

People are tired of the same old bickering, gridlock and division. They are tired of politics being defined as "who we're afraid of and who we're mad at." Americans are an optimistic people who want to do great things and feel good about our country. Barack has the positive and inclusive spirit that is the best match for who we are as a people, and where we want to go. He has strong views, but he does not demean others who think differently. Instead, he treats people—even political opponents—with respect and looks for opportunities to build coalitions for change.

And if anyone needs yard signs, bumper stickers or buttons let me know! I might be able to rustle some up and would love to help spread the word!

Happy voting tomorrow and here's keeping my fingers crossed. It is so exciting to finally be voting for a candidate rather than against one!


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