Our Last Day at the Beach

OK, so we have been home for about a month already, but I never posted about our last day at the beach. So better late then never!

We ended up having an absolutely beautiful day. It had been cold and rainy for the last week or so (after Ernesto came through). But the weather broke a bit for us and we wound up getting one more day in the water. And the boys got one more afternoon hanging out with Jack.


Turns out that Ernesto left us a little gift. Hard to explain but there was a sand bar out a ways…now sand bars are not really unusual, but this one was in that it was not out very far, but it got very deep right before the sand bar. Which meant that the boys could basically swim out to it and then do cannon balls off the sand bar into the deep water. Talk about fun!


It was a wonderful way to end the summer…and when it was over, I got two signs that summer was really over…when we got back to the house, the handle on my beach bag broke and then my camera stopped working (probably because I had to stand waist deep in the ocean trying to get these pictures!). Pretty clear that our summer was complete.


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