Major Blast From My Past

A friend on facebook recently forwarded me a link to this youtube video.

Talk about a blast from my past. This was from my senior year…and if you look closely enough, you might even see me in the clarinet duet (yes, you heard that right…our show had a clarinet duet). I am the one on the left, playing the second part (if you do not feel like watching the whole 9 minutes, you can catch my big debut at about the 3:38 mark).

This really brings back memories…of the people, of the experiences, of the music, everything. I really did enjoy high school believe it or not. And I loved being a band wally. What can I say? I’m a geek.

But I will say that most of the friends that I am still in contact with from both high school and college were in the band with me. And we did have a lot of fun.



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