Kyle’s Favorite Author has a Blog!

I just read over on MotherReader that Mo Willems has a blog! What fun. He is the author of the incredibly funny Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (and various other Pigeon Books like Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog) and Knuffle Bunny.

Kyle has been a big pigeon fan for awhile now and I have to say from a parent's perspective I love these books too. If you have to read a book over and over again, these are the books to choose. They have become one of my favorite gifts for young kids. I have yet to meet a child who did not think that pigey was just too cute (and could totally relate to him!). Even Jason (who is usually a bit too old for these kind of books) thought that it was really funny.

Oh, and be sure to check out MotherReaders blog…she is a p/t children's library assistant (I think somewhere near me here in Virginia actually) and has great book suggestions (maybe because she has two girls the same age as the boys!).

I love her blog…great book info and a great sense of humor. I have found many, many a new book to try through her. The latest one being Chickens to the Rescue which was a huge hit (with both boys). Check her out!


Exciting Weekend


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