Into the 21st Century

Call me slow, but I am finally coming up to speed with some of the neat things technological stuff out there.

Just a couple of months ago, I decided to figure out what all the fuss was about Delicious. I had heard about it, but did not understand how useful it could be. I have to admit, it is a huge help in organizing my bookmarks. I have different subject tags, blog tags, political tags, you name it. And tag bundles are great too...I have them in my browser bar so I can access them quickly. I can't say that I am really getting into sharing my bookmarks, although I do want to see if I can figure out how to automatically post some of them to my blog.

Then for Christmas, Jeff is letting me use his iPod Touch (he picked one up but has not used it much, so I begged asked him if I could use it for a little while (at least until they come out with the next generation...I am holding out for more storage!)) What an incredible little gadget. I am not usually one for "electronic toys", but can I tell you how cool this thing is? Not just the interface, but the applications that you can get.

One neat little thing I found through the iTouch is Pandora Radio. It is basically internet radio that allows you to customize it so that it only plays music you like...for free. You create "stations" by starting with a seed artist or song and then it will choose music similar in taste. You can continue to refine by giving "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" to the music it chooses (as well as adding more artists and songs). I started a station with Martin Sexton and really have to say that I have loved the selections. It is a neat way to discover new artists with similar sounds. It is also a great way to explore new music types...say you found a neat jazz song that you like, but you know nothing about Jazz. You could start a new station based on this song and then see where it takes you. Neat stuff. Oh and the other great thing is that I can stream it through my iPod.

And then I finally joined Twitter just yesterday. I am still trying to get the hang of it. You can find me here. I have to admit that I am still trying to figure this whole thing out. It is really confusing for this left brained person! I really do think that once I get the hang of it, I will enjoy it. The concept of short little tweets sounds like a lot of fun. But I am a bit overwhelmed trying to follow so many different conversations all mixed up...I wonder if there is a way to follow each person individually like in a feed reader? Guess I have some more exploring to do. But it is fun so far.

So there you have it. I am slowly coming into the 21st century. Although I will admit to NOT being on Facebook. For some reasons those type of social networking sites do not hold as much appeal to me.  But never say never.


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