He's Officially a UVM Catamount!


Originally posted on Instagram.

This kid. ❤️

My heart is bursting as I’ve watched him come into his own. Watched him make thought out decisions about what he wants to do with his life then do what he needs to do it.

He’s starting this semester as an Environmental Studies (or possibly Fisheries & Wildlife) major in the Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources at the University of Vermont.

He’s hitting the ground running...found out he was accepted on December 23rd. He and I drove up over two days getting into Burlington on Tuesday. He met with his academic advisor on Wednesday. We moved him in on Thursday (in 8 degree weather!) Orientation on Friday. Meets his roommate later today. Classes start on Monday. And did I mention it is January? In Vermont? Just a bit of a change for this Virginia boy. Which, for him, is a feature, not a bug.

I’m so excited for him. And so proud. This feels so right. So him. And he’s the one who figured it out and made it work. There is no way we could have known at 14 or 15 that this is where he would have ended up. Yet now that we are here, it’s feels like it’s exactly where he needs to be. ❤️


And I'm Home.


He's Going to Vermont!