Getting Started Again...


Welcome to the new and improved Throwing Marshmallows!

Squarespace (my blog host) recently completely revamped their blogging platform and i have decided to take advantage of it and redesign my site. There are things I love about it (and things that I am not 100% thrilled with) but over all I like the new cleaner look. I also especially love how much easier it is to incorporate images into the site. It is still very much a work in progress, so don't be surprised if you see tweaks here and there. I am hoping that it will make it easier to find some of the many right brained resources that I have compiled over the years.

I have missed blogging and hope to gradually find my way back into it...o stay tuned! In the meantime, pull up a chair and have a look around. I have pulled together a Favorite Posts page as well as a Favorite Topics page which will hopefully help you mine the archives a bit easier. You can also find them under Explore in the top menu. 

And don't forget to check out the Right Brained Learning resources (also in the top menu) where you will find a Frequently Asked Questions page,  a Book List and Right-Brained Learning Links.

More later, I promise!


The Right Side of Normal


Wordless Wednesday: Quiet