AmazonMP3 Competes With iTunes

Just read over on Salon's Machinist blog about how Amazon has opened AmazonMP3 similar to iTunes where you can download songs and albums. One nice difference is that most of their songs are offered cheaper (.89 instead of .99) but the biggest difference is that the downloaded songs will play on any device, both iPods and non-iPods. It seems that previously, for the most part, download places were divided into iPod only downloadable (like iTunes) and those that could not be downloaded onto iPods. Which meant that if you had an iPod, you could not use certain sites (this has been a problem I have had at times finding places other than iTunes and where I can download audio books). So I was really glad to hear that AmazonMP3 songs will work on my iPod.

I have always had a philosophical problem with the monopoly that Apple has when it comes to the iPod and downloads (not enough for me to not use it though…I really love my iPod!) so this seems like a good thing. Of course the selection is not as good as iTunes so far, however Amazon is a big name in and of itself so I think that it has a good shot at having just as good a selection. Competition will be good, I think.

Check it out!


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